It’s been a week of launches and exciting announcements here in the Studio. Clare has been preparing for the visual spectacular Mail, Maps and Motion. On Friday 17 August, Bristol’s iconic Passenger Shed will be transformed To kick off See No Evil’s weekend programme. Watershed has currated a spectacular evening of one-off commissions and collaborations that blend cutting edge music and film. The finale of the evening brings together Joanie Lemercier from world-renowned projection experts and studio residents AntiVJ and the musical creativity of Adrian Utley from acclaimed band Portishead. The evening will explore themes of industry, modernity, technology and communication, juxtaposing our industrial past with the technological present. Tickets went on sale today, they’re free but a booking fee applies. Tickets can be booked here.

REACT have announced they have two new funding opportunities and two future themes for REACT Sandboxes. They are now offering Project & Pump Priming Funding Opportunities, these strategic funds aim to support around ten creative partnerships and nurture even more brilliant ideas.  REACT have now also announced the 2013-14 sandbox themes which are Future Documentary and Object Sandbox. You can find out about all their exciting developments at their site.    

The Studio has been buzzing with the announcement of two new exciting Studio Residents. Joining us throughout October and November the artists will be regularly sharing their progress online, partaking in discussions, and have a showcase planned for December. Juneau Projects’ Ben Sadler and Phil Buckworth will investigate how to collaborate with ‘thinking machines.’ They will be researching various Artificial Intelligence entities and discovering ways of using their aesthetic suggestions to help create new sculptural artworks. Working alongside them, new collaboration Timothy X Atack and Sam Underwood will further develop Sonic Graffiti, a series of small electronic audio devices, secreted in the urban environment. During their residency, Timothy and Sam will use combined expertise in sound design, performance, storytelling and repurposing of electronics and sensors, to investigate how Sonic Graffiti can be enhanced, and how it can be used to create playful audio experiences in urban space. We’ll be keeping you up to date of their goings on here when they arrive.  

Verity has been busy preparing for Good for Nothing’s first Bristol event being held here at the Studio. On the evening of 20 July ShipShape will take the Studio for 48 hours of rapid social innovation. It’s a chance to get involved with the community and do something brilliant for Bristol based charities needing a helping hand. It’ll be an intense weekend but they’ll be music, food and lots of fun so it’s a brilliant chance to meet like minded people in Bristol, and help to do something good. They’re currently looking for Bristol based do-ers, makers, coders and general all rounders so get involved here.

Tuesday saw a first visit to the DCRC and the new Studio space by UWE's Board of Governors, marking a new phase in UWE's long term collaboration with the Watershed and Studio. There were opportunities to look at a selection of DCRC/Studio collaborative projects, have a play with Stand and Stare's Theatre Jukebox and chat with a mix of DCRC and Studio folk over drinks and some tasty Watershed snacks. We think they'll be back soon!

Mid-week DCRC and UWE's Centre for Fine Print Research brought together writers, designers, publishers and creative practitioners for The Future of the Book: What's next for 'the book' in an age where being digital is no longer a novelty, but a fact of life. Day one had the group book-binding at Bower Ashton, and Raw Shark Texts author Steven Hall kicked off day two of the workshop with a short (and provocative) talk. More details will be up soon on their website

Tangible FX are looking forward to a review coming out in Computer Music Magazine and Dan’s told me the wonderful volunteers who are helping out are working hard to make everything look beautiful. They’ve got some exciting things coming up in the next few weeks but you’ll have to hold on for the news because I’m sworn to secrecy for now.  

Adam from nu desine is at NAMM in Nashville Tennessee for the week, where he’s busy exhibiting and demoing the alphasphere. Hopefully he’s getting better weather there as we’re celebrating the height of summer with brollies, wellys and raincoats here in Bristol. We’ve got our fingers firmly crossed for sun in August.

Today we welcomed Artists from Flat-e to give a Lunchtime Talk on Working in the Commercial Sector. It was a really insightful talk and full of great advice; 'do something you believe in and create ace things.' We’ll be posting a write-up of the talk early next week so stay tuned. That’s all for this week but don’t forget to get your ticket for Mail, Maps and Motion and sign up to do some good.